VIP News

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The Dr. Juchheim Diet


The Dr. Juchheim diet is not a new crash diet.

On the contrary – you should fill your plates with food rich in bio-active plant compounds. Special, natural supplements support you on your way to a dream and feel-good figure – without calorie counting and starvation.

The Dr.  Juchheim Diet is based on the new scientific findings of molecular and microbiology.

– Activation of fat burning enzymes (sirtuins).

– Elimination of the body’s energy-saving program and the yo-yo effect.

– Strengthen your muscles and increase fat burning.

– Correct the intestinal flora with slimming bacteria.

The Dr.  Juchheim Diet is for those who have failed with fake diets and low calorie diets so far.

To guarantee a best advice for your needs, please take your appointment with Pascale Meier under: +352 621 322 488